What a great place to start with your Re-turn on Wisdom series, with the story of a wonderful indigenous elder. So much to be learnt from indigenous story-telling where oral (as opposed to written) history was the most important way of passing knowledge and wisdom down the generations.

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:) Gabriela, it is so great to have you here! You are so right in saying this. We have so much to learn. I hope one day we can sit down and have a yarn, I know for sure you have so many rich lived life experiences and wisdom to share xxx

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It is amazing how tragedy strips away the superficial layers in life, revealing what really matters. It has a way of forcing us to confront our priorities, values, and relationships, reminding us life is fragile and the importance of living authentically. Beautiful story. A good reminder.

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You are so right Paige 🫶🏻 thank you for listening and this important comment - a good reminder for us all

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